Testing Day 1 - WRAT
Wide Range Achievement Test 4 (WRAT)
Service Description
Wide Range Achievement Test 4 (WRAT) is a short but accurate test. Because of its brevity, it can be helpful for children with attention difficulties. The Wide Range Achievement Test is a brief achievement test measuring reading recognition, spelling, and arithmetic computation. There are two levels. Level I is normed for children ages 5 to 11. Level II is normed for children aged 12 and up. The WRAT4 provides derived scores and interpretive information for four subtests: Word Reading - measures word decoding through letter identification and word recognition. Reading Comprehension measures the ability to identify the meaning of words and to comprehend the ideas and information in a sentence using a modified cloze technique. In the cloze technique words are omitted from a passage and students are required to fill in the blanks. Spelling evaluates an individual's ability to identify sounds and transfer them into written form. Math Computation measures an individual's ability to count, identify numbers, solve simple oral math problems, and calculate written math problems. Problems are presented in a range of domains, including arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and advanced operations.
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule, please contact us at least 24 hours inadvance.
Contact Details
Tarboro, NC, USA
Wilson, NC, USA
Rocky Mount, NC, USA